Teacher Identity in CLIL: A Case Study of Two In-service Teachers





Integrated curriculum, identity, teaching profession, language of instruction, teacher attitudes


The provision of CLIL teachers in Spain has outpaced the growth of the so-called bilingual programs, as there are no specific training requirements for CLIL teachers who are either ­content or language specialists. So, CLIL teachers have a preexistent teacher identity that could influence their pedagogical choices. This study examines how teachers negotiate their existing ­teacher identities in a CLIL environment and how they exercise those identities in the classroom. The study adopts a qualitative case study methodology using interviews and questionnaires. Findings show that the way teachers negotiated their identities was affected by their former personal and professional experiences, their conceptualization of the imagined community, and their investment in that community. The findings have implications for creating in-service training programs that enhance teachers’ language awareness in CLIL and their association with the community.


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Author Biography

Patricia Bárcena Toyos, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Patricia Bárcena-Toyos is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR). Her research and pedagogical interests include CLIL and EFL teacher education, and gamification in online education. 


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How to Cite

Bárcena Toyos, P. (2022). Teacher Identity in CLIL: A Case Study of Two In-service Teachers. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 15(1), e1516. https://doi.org/10.5294/laclil.2022.15.1.6


