Editorial introduction


  • Jermaine S. McDougald Author Universidad de La Sabana




Welcome to Volume 8, Issue 1 of the Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning (LACLIL). This issue presents a variety of research endeavors on how content and language are being treated at different levels of education. Nowadays, the progression of foreign language teaching and each of its methods and approaches are taking place in a framework in which the term innovation is fundamental. The pace of globalization has been rapidly increasing, strongly affecting cooperation and communication across cultures. This is why it is very important that practitioners and researchers alike participate in making the teaching and learning process much more meaningful in the twenty-first century classroom. Therefore appreciating and analyzing our own cultural perspective against foreign cultural perspective are essential elements in the development of intercultural competence


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Author Biography

Jermaine S. McDougald, Universidad de La Sabana

Jermaine S. McDougald holds an M.A. in TEFL from Jaen University (Spain), a Specialization in Educational Management from the Universidad de La Sabana (Colombia) and a Specialization in University Teaching from the Universidad El Bosque (Colombia). At present he is the Director of the Master’s Program in ELT and the Managing Editor of the Latin American Journal of Content and Language Integrated Learning (LACLIL) at the Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures at the Universidad de La Sabana. His research interests include CLIL, content-based instruction, teacher training, and international education. He is a member of the Research Group LALETUS (Language Learning and Teaching – Universidad de La Sabana).


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How to Cite

McDougald, J. S. (2015). Editorial introduction. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 8(1), iii-v. https://doi.org/10.5294/5351



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