The Effect of the Process-Based Approach on the Writing Skills of Bilingual Elementary Students




ESL writing for youngsters, English as a second language, process approach to writing, writing strategies, bilingual education, second language instruction, writing


El efecto del enfoque basado en procesos sobre la escritura de estudiantes de primaria bilingüe

O efeito da abordagem baseada em processos na escrita de alunos bilíngues do ensino fundamental

The objective of this action research study was to assess the impact of the Process-Based Approach (PBA) on the development of the writing skills of young students who are learning English as a Foreign Language. The participants included 12 third-grade students from a bilingual private school in Manizales, Caldas. Six workshops were implemented, guiding the students to write different texts in English by using the writing process stages and applying some writing strategies, such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating their own output. Instruments such as a teacher’s journal, a writing rubric, external observations, self-assessment protocols, and L2 writing pre- and post-tests were used to collect the data. The results suggest that the PBA was useful for enhancing the writing skills of young English learners. Additionally, the strategies applied during the process bettered third-grade students’ writing performance in aspects such as content, organization, conventions, vocabulary, and fluency. Finally, the data illustrated that the PBA and the writing strategies made students feel confident about writing, which, at the same time, contributed to the students’ self-efficacy in writing tasks.

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Sánchez, L. F., & López, M. M. (2019). Analysing mathematical word problem solving with secondary education CLIL students: A pilot study. LACLIL, 12(1), 72-98. DOI:

Received: 05/02/2019 

Approved: 23/04/2019


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Author Biographies

Luisa Fernanda Sánchez, Asociación Colegio Granadino

Luisa Fernanda Sánchez is an English full-immersion teacher. She has a bachelor's degree in Modern Languages from Universidad de Caldas and a master’s degree in English Didactics from Universidad de Caldas in Colombia. Her current field placement is with Asociación Colegio Granadino in Caldas, Colombia. She is interested in bilingual education, Content and Language Integrated Learning education,  ESL\EFL literacy, teaching and learning approaches, trends, and principles.

Margarita María López Pinzón, Universidad de Caldas;Colombia

Professor Margarita López holds an MA in English Didactics from Caldas University and is currently the Director of this graduate Program; she has extensive experience in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses and has been conducting educational research for several years, sharing her research findings in different events around the country. Her interests in research include bilingualism and Methodology. She has been the co-author of articles, books and academic papers such as curriculum, qualitative research and classroom research in ELT.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, L. F., & López Pinzón, M. M. (2019). The Effect of the Process-Based Approach on the Writing Skills of Bilingual Elementary Students. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 12(1).


