CLIL: An International Overview of Practices, Challenges and Opportunities in Education



Palabras clave:

Multilingüismo, educación bilingüe, dominio del idioma, competencia intercultural, desarrollo profesional


Book Review: International Perspectives on CLIL, edited by Chantal Hemmi, Darío Luis Banegas. Cham, Switzerland, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, xxxviii + 300pp., ISBN 978-3-030-70097-3 (softcover).

Undeniably, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as a pedagogical approach with a dual focus on content and language learning has manifested itself in a variety of contexts, forms and practices with immense rigour and sustainability in the past decades. As CLIL is gradually being accepted as an avenue to accommodate internationalisation at home, the book entitled International Perspectives on CLIL serves as an opportune presentation of CLIL theories and practices in multilingual and multicultural contexts. Mindful of the competing interpretations of CLIL, this book embraces the diversity of CLIL and foregrounds how it has grown and developed both theoretically and empirically.


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Zhang, T., & Zheng, Y. (2019). English is the default language? A study of international students’ language needs in Chinese higher education context. In F. Fang & H. P. Widodo (Eds.), Critical perspectives on global Englishes in Asia: Language policy, curriculum, pedagogy and assessment (pp. 27-44). Multilingual Matters.




Cómo citar

Hu, H. (2025). CLIL: An International Overview of Practices, Challenges and Opportunities in Education. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 16(1).



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