La enseñanza de segundas lenguas mediante contenidos históricos: un modelo teórico-práctico para el diseño de materiales con el enfoque AICLE




Second language instruction, bilingual education, history education, teacher education, integrated curriculum


La enseñanza de segundas lenguas mediante contenidos históricos: un modelo teórico-práctico para el diseño de materiales con el enfoque AICLE

O ensino de segundas línguas através de conteúdos históricos: um modelo teórico-prático para o design de materiais com a abordagem CLIL

The implementation of policies on bilingual education, based on the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) approach and promoted by different European directives and numerous studies, is now a magnificent field for experimentation on the didactics of second languages through non-linguistic content, such as history. However, the multidisciplinary nature of this educational environment, with its own epistemological characteristics, presents an additional difficulty for content teachers who have to develop didactic materials that integrate both the didactics of content and the learning of second languages. Based on this consideration, this publication aims to articulate a methodological guide for the teacher, an epistemological framework that guides him in his development of teaching units in a CLIL environment. For this purpose, the factors that converge in the development of materials for the teaching of second languages through the subject of History from two points of view will be exposed. The first one concerns language, considering its linguistic levels, which would encompass both the discursive aspect of the historical text and its didactic transposition, and the second concerns content itself, where the current methodological assumptions of the didactics of history will be seen. The article closes with a series of practical proposals for the implementation of the theory exposed with the history of Spain as a theme, using Spanish as a foreign language.

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Ferrando, E. (2018). La enseñanza de segundas lenguas mediante contenidos históricos: un modelo teórico-práctico para el diseño de materiales con el enfoque AICLE. LACLIL, 11(2), 275-307. DOI: 10.5294/laclil.2018.11.2.5

Received: 27/09/2018

Approved: 07/02/2019


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Author Biography

Ernesto Ferrando Llimós, Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Sevilla, España

Graduado en Historia del Arte

Máster en Língüística Aplicada al español como lengua extranjer. Universidad de Jaén. España

Doctor en Lingüística Aplicada por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, con un proyecto sobre la enseñanza de lenguas mediante contenidos

Proyecto de Investigación: Soy miembro del equpo BIMAP de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide.


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How to Cite

Ferrando Llimós, E. (2019). La enseñanza de segundas lenguas mediante contenidos históricos: un modelo teórico-práctico para el diseño de materiales con el enfoque AICLE. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 11(2).


