Teacher Professional Development in Language-Driven CLIL: A Case Study





Language-driven CLIL, professional development, career development, authenticity, collaboration, structured learning, beliefs


El desarrollo profesional para AICLE enfocado en la lengua: un estudio de caso

O desenvolvimento profissional no CLIL com foco no idioma: Um estudo de caso

Teacher Professional Development in Language-Driven CLIL: A Case Study

The professional development of and language integrated learning (CLIL) continues to be a niche in the language education literature, particularly in Latin America. The aim of this study is to explore the effects of a continuing professional development course delivered in 2018 to support language-driven CLIL implementation in state secondary schools in Argentina. Built as a case study, the investigation draws on data from one teacher collected through multiple sources for triangulation purposes. Two research questions guided the study: 1) What beliefs does a teacher have of language-driven CLIL? and 2) What are the effects of a continuing professional development course on language-driven CLIL targeted at EFL secondary school teachers? Findings show that authenticity, rather than language-content integration, is a salient feature of language-driven CLIL in this teacher’s practice. Findings also reveal that CLIL success depends on learners’ English language proficiency. Drawing on its teacher’s beliefs of CLIL, the course had an impact on the teacher’s identity as a materials developer and autonomous and critical practitioner who could theorize by reflecting on her practices and the readings provided by the course tutor. 

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Banegas, D. L. (2019). Teacher professional development in language-driven CLIL: A case study. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 12(2), 242-264. https://doi.org/10.5294/laclil.2019.12.2.3

Received: 05/02/2019

Approved: 23/04/2019

Published: 11/05/2020


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Author Biography

Dario Luis Banegas, University of Strathclyde

University of Strathclyde: Lecturer. 

Ministry of Education of Chubut: ELT regional tutor, mentor teacher, trainer, teacher, curriculum designer.

University of Warwick: Associate fellow. My research area is materials development towards content and language integration approaches.


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How to Cite

Banegas, D. L. (2020). Teacher Professional Development in Language-Driven CLIL: A Case Study. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.5294/laclil.2019.12.2.3


