CLIL Approach Used as a Curriculum Internationalization Strategy in a Colombian Higher Education Institution
CLIL, development of competences, effectiveness of education, higher vocational train- ing, teaching strategyAbstract
This project emerged from the necessity of responding to the policies for “home in- ternationalization” of a higher education institution in coherence with the aims proposed by the National Ministry of Education in relation to the development of communicative competences of English as a foreign language regarding this kind of institutions. The research had a descriptive design methodology used in a two parallel processes: a teaching training in the communicative competences of English starting from a diagnosis, and training in the CLIL approach for the design of content activities was implemented through the collective work of a team of volun- teer teachers from the institution. After the activities were applied, the results were positive; indicating that making use of interesting and motivational didactic resources, students and educators recognized the pedagogical advantages of the approach for the learning of content simultaneously reinforcing communicative competences in English as a foreign language, and at the same time sought to continue and increase the use of CLIL activities. This allowed ex- panding the scope to an institutional level, socializing the experiences, and giving place to a second phase that can validate the information.
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