Comics and CLIL: Producing quality output in social sciences with Tintin


  • Josué Llull Author Cardenal Cisneros University College, University of Alcalá



historietas, ciencias sociales, formación de docentes, AICLE suave/duro, Tintin


Comics are a significant product of mass culture that reflect the values and models of contemporary societies. Beyond their original function for entertainment, many authors have pointed out the potential of comics as a motivating resource for a wide range of educational purposes. Therefore, the use of comics has been extensively applied to increase literacy, promote creativity, develop critical thinking and to reflect on cultural and social values. This paper is intended to draw attention to the didactic possibilities that the Tintin comic books can have for learning Social Sciences. My reasoning is based on a CLIL classroom experience that has been developed over the last two years in one of the Primary Education degree programmes at Cardenal Cisneros University College, in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. As a conclusion, comics can certainly be used not only to motivate and facilitate the learning process, but also to generate new didactic proposals based on the interaction between texts and visuals. These types of proposals can be particularly helpful to teach curricular contents through a foreign language, such as the case in bilingual contexts.


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Author Biography

Josué Llull, Cardenal Cisneros University College, University of Alcalá

Senior Lecturer in Geography & History

Department of Teaching Specific Sciences


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How to Cite

Llull, J. (2014). Comics and CLIL: Producing quality output in social sciences with Tintin. Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, 7(1), 40–65.


